Sentinel aims to create a solution to checking for disease using several, identical sensing devices located in the crop field.
The data from each sensor provides an early warning of the presence of a pathogen which is turned into a recommended management plan for the farmer/grower. Each device comprises a biosensor that stimulates the targeted pathogen spore to germinate, a smart camera to detect that growth, a set of environmental sensors and a wireless communication module all housed in a weatherproof, robust housing.
Expected outcomes
The project aims to target three different pathogens - yellow rust, brown rust and downy mildew both in the UK and abroad.
Sony is building on its expertise in low-cost electronics and imaging to develop innovative tools for the agritech sector. Detailed global market study for Sentinel has been completed to explore the industry landscape and field trials of the product are due to begin in March 2023.
Sony, NIAB, One Nine Design Ltd, Rothamsted Research, University of Manchester, G’s Fresh Ltd, Omya Ltd
Innovate UK