Further reading - Apple leaf midge

Cross, J. V. & Jay, C. N. 2000. Exploiting the parasitoids Lathrolestes ensator and Platygaster demades for control of apple sawfly and apple leaf midge in IPM in apple orchards.  Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Integrated Fruit Production, Lleida, Spain, October 2000. IOBC/WPRS Bulletin, 5pp.

J V Cross and D R Hall. Exploitation of the sex pheromone of apple leaf midge Dasineura mali Kieffer (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) for pest monitoring: 1. Development of lure and trap. Crop Protection.

Jerry V. Cross, David R. Hall, Peter Shaw, Gianfranco Anfora. Exploitation of the sex pheromone of apple leaf midge Dasineura mali (Kieffer) (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae): 2. Use of sex pheromone trap for pest monitoring. Crop Protection.

Barnes, H. F. 1948. Gall midges of economic importance. Volume 3. Crosby Lockwood, London 184pp.

Todd, D. H. 1959. The apple leaf curling midge, Dasineura mali Kiefer, seasonal history, varietal susceptibility and parasitism. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 2, 859-869