CHCx3 Fibre Crops webinar -13 Dec 23

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Recording now available from this webinar held on 13th December 2023 as part of the CHCx3 webinar series, with a focus on fibre crops.


Discuss how fibre crops can be incorporated successfully into farm rotations by understanding…

  • The agronomic requirements of fibre crops
  • The market opportunities for fibre crops in the UK
  • The role of fibre crops in raising soil organic matter/carbon

Desired outcomes:

  • Better understanding of which crop to grow, where and how
  • Increased awareness of the expanding and evolving value chains for fibre crops
  • Improved knowledge of the potential for fibre crops to enhance soil organic matter and carbon capture

Webinar recording


Lydia Smith, NIAB – Welcome and Introduction

Heather Oldfield, Elsoms Seeds – What do fibre crops offer to growers and how should they be grown

Jamie Bartley, Unyte Hemp – How can fibre crops help achieve Net Zero and what are their value chains?