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Innovation campus given go-ahead at NIAB EMR

The Advanced Technology Horticultural Zone will comprise new science buildings including the multi-million pound development of four state-of-the-art glasshouses, an energy centre and other related facilities and infrastructure.

The glasshouses will incorporate high-tech imaging, robotics, precision irrigation rigs, research-standard LED lighting and CO2 systems to help scientists make advances in horticultural agronomy.

Community Resource for Wheat and Rice Transformation - application process open

The Community Resource for Wheat and Rice Transformation is a resource for UK plant scientists to apply for their genes to be transformed into wheat or rice free of charge, funded by the BBSRC’s Biological and Bioinformatic Resources fund (BBR).

The current round of the application process is open until 24th June 2019, for transformation slots in the autumn. See the application form for more information and to apply.

NEWS: IBERS-Aberystwyth retains NIAB Agronomy Cup

A team of agriculture students from Aberystwyth University’s Institute of Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences (IBERS) are the winners of the NIAB Agronomy Cup for the second year.

Philip Dray, Olivia MacGarvie, William Watson and Will Davies achieved the highest gross margin of £2,131/ha in the annual winter wheat trial plot competition, based on a yield of 12.24 t/ha and an input cost of £72.15/ha.


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