Dr Robert Jackson

Senior data scientist
+44(0)1223 342482

Robert works as part of the phenotyping group within the Genetics and Pre-breeding department at NIAB. Robert obtained a PhD. in molecular biology and phenotyping from the University of Nottingham and Rothamsted Research. Following his PhD Robert worked for a year as part of Malcolm Hawkesford’s group at Rothamsted focusing on remote sensing methods to analyse grain quality and the nitrogen content of milled wheat grain and straw. At NIAB Robert is working with Eric Ober and Ian Mackay on high-throughput phenotyping of large scale field trials as part of the GplusE genomic selection project. Robert has a strong interest in field phenotyping by remote sensing and how it can contribute to solving the problems facing modern agriculture. In addition, Robert retains an interest in the genetic and hormonal control of plant growth and development.

Current Research Project:
GplusE: Genomic selection and Environment modelling for next generation wheat breeding (BBSRC funded).